A Phantom Condition | Sound seminar by Jon Wozencroft

Jon Wozencroft leads a discussion on the haunted nature of experimental music and photography and plays some records to elaborate. If you like experimental music and photography, this is not to be missed!

Thursday 29 September, 7.30PM
Daniel Blau Gallery
51 Hoxton Square
London N1 6PB

Jon Wozencroft is Senior Tutor in the department of Visual Communication, Royal College of Art, and the founder of Touch (1982), a unique and highly regarded publishing company based in the UK, working with artists internationally. He has contributed several articles and essays on music and design for a number of publications, including The Guardian, Tate Magazine and The Wire, and in 1988/94 he authored the books The Graphic Language of Neville Brody 1 & 2. He has worked on the Joy Division archive. He is currently involved with new projects for Wire, Chris Watson and Oren Ambarchi.
If you would like to attend this event, please RSVP to: london@danielblau.com.
Tickets are £5, payable on arrival at the gallery.
