Jon Wozencroft’s Sound Seminars

Jon Wozencroft developed his sound seminars in the late 1980s as a means of highlighting the potential of sound-related research and practice in art and design education. Primarily, the seminars promote the art of listening and seek to rebalance the dominant bias of visual culture which favours the eye over the ear. Listening both enhances one’s perceptual awareness and creates an oasis away from 24/7 non-stop media. The seminars underline the power of sound and music as catalysts for change in a context in which recorded music has been progressively devalued in the digital environment. Drawing upon forty years of working in music publishing and performance, Wozencroft moves the audience between and beyond genre classifications and makes connections where past present and future come alive in the moment.

Each session follows a theme. “The Listening Eye” is a broad introduction to the ethos of the seminars, and the interplay between storytelling, composition and experimentation.  They take place in a darkened room, an echo of the collective cinema experience, whilst being avowedly personal and involving.

The venue, usually Iklectik Art Lab, was an old primary school assembly hall near Waterloo station, latterly becoming a Buddhist temple before being converted into an arts lab with an audience capacity of 100.

16. The Way You Are 1st August @ Theme
15. Number 10 14th July 2024 @ Iklectika 10
14. The Power of Limits 9th May 2024 @ Theme
13. As Yet Untitled 7th March 2024 @ Theme
12. The Answer is Gold 29th November 2023 @ Iklectik
11. Touchpoints 20th July 2023 @ Iklectik
10. The Angle of Light 3rd May 2023 @ Iklectik
9. Fluid Vortex/The Spiral Column 13th October 2022 @ Iklectik
8. After the Wheel 19th May 2022 @ Iklectic
7. The Attention Economy 16th March 2022 @ Iklectik
6. The Shape of a Number 8th March 2022 @ CSM
5. The Uncertainty Principle 13th January 2022 @ Iklectik
4. Society and its Sculpture 11th November 2021 @ Iklectik
3. Pause Button 16th September 2021 @ Iklectik
2. Timescale 17th July 2021 @ Iklectik
1. The Listening Eye 5th March 2020 @ Iklectik