May 1st 2019 – Guerrilla 91
1. New sound-based something. Vague but good to steal if you want.
New something-based on very small recording of something J and I recorded. Looped and layered with vocals from Great Rissington which now sound like a synth. Two tracks of this gated and delayed. Using pingpong and multi delays. Very simple. By changing something else something else becomes very aggressive and high pitched and noisy. Bass frequencies from goodness knows where have now appeared. Then sudden cut off and the sounds gradually come in again somehow. More rhythms. This goes on for about four mins then fades and dies away.
2. Steam Carpet recordings. April 2019.
3. Some noises.
4. Huge photocopying machine recorded on my phone at Jasper’s school last term. I will this coming term get the Edirol out and make a detailed recording for future ventures. The first time I used them professionally was on Derek Jarman’s “The Last of England” and we all know what you can get up to when left alone with a photocopier… Days I treasure.