Touch at Sint-Lukas Brussels University | 17th -21st January 2011

The Art of Listening

Mike Harding & BJNilsen, with a sound seminar by Jon Wozencroft. (see above for our daily blog)

Transmedia in association with Hogeschool Sint-Lukas Brussel, as part of The City of Sounds’ Research Project by Joost Fonteyne, Boris Debackere and Steven Devleminck.
Workshops, talks & field trips with a performance at Recyclart on Thursday 20th January.
Although the teaching element of the week is not open to the public, all are welcome to the performance night. For further information please visit the Recyclart website.
BJNilsen & Touch live

Thursday 20th January 2011 21h00
Station Brussel-Kapellekerk/Gare Bruxelles-Chapelle
Ursulinenstraat/25/Rue des Ursulines
1000 Brussel/Bruxelles