The Minister of YARG’s Of Nettle Cheeſe

If you will haue a very dainty nettle Cheeſe, which is the fineſt ſummer
Cheeſe which can be eaten; you ſhall doe in all things as was formerly
taught in the new milke Cheeſe compound; Only you ſhall put the curd
into a very thin cheeſe-fat, not about halfe an inch or a little better
deepe at moſt, and then when you come to dry them aſſoone as it is
draind from the brine, you ſhall lay it vpon freſh nettles an couer it
all ouer wit the ſame; and ſo lying where they may ſeele the aire, let
them ripe therein, obſerouing to renew your nettles once in two dayes,
and euery time you renew them, to turn the Cheeſe or Cheeſes, and to
gather your Nettles as much without ſtalks as may be, and to make the
bed both vunder and aloft as ſmooth as way be, for the more euen and
fewer wrinkles that your Cheeſe hath, the more daintie is your Houſ-wife

From “The Engliſh Houſ-wifes Booke I.” Page 188/189, Gervase Markham,
London 1623


The recipe for “new milke Cheeſe” is omitted, because it seems
unpractical to obtain “Cheeſelepbagge or runnet which is the ſtomacke
baggage of a young ſuckling calfe, which never taſted other food than
milke, where the curd lieth undiſgeſted”. Yet, there is note of modern
day speciality cheese makers picking up on the tradition.